Featured hosted website..


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Just a cool idea. Having you guys post a hosted website that agree's ect.. maybe a banner and or a sticky thread per month or something. Just thought it would be a cool idea :)

So somewhere we'd have a block on our website with a "Featured Website" that we host or potentially a sticky? Maybe but what would be the benefit?

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So somewhere we'd have a block on our website with a "Featured Website" that we host or potentially a sticky? Maybe but what would be the benefit?

People like to see active websites with real content. If its a website with lots of content or lots of users, it shows off Hawk Host's technical capabilities. Basically its a "live demo" of your hosting in action.

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You could also use it as a way to get people active on this forum and to direct people to the forum. When i look at hosts i like to see a forum and i like to see the activity of the forum as that is a good way to see how busy the host is and how many problems there are with the host. If people could submit their site to be the Featured hosted site through the forum then more people would sign up to the forum, post and maybe even stay around on the forum.

As others mentions, it would show off an example of what HH can host, the speed and give something back to the members.

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