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We are aware that sng002 is not performing the way it should. While I can't get into specific details here I can say we know what is causing this and our sysadmin team started deploying a (hopefully) permanent fix yesterday. This will continue throughout the next few days until we're happy with what we see from the server. Based on our monitoring the server is already performing a bit better.


Please open a support ticket (if you have already, PM me the ticket ID) about this so we can make sure to keep you updated as we make progress here.


I'm honestly very sorry about the issues, nobody here likes seeing these threads on our forums or knowing we have issues on our systems. We will get this fixed for you though.

Thank you for your attention and quick response on this issue.
sng002 server performance look better now. Hopefully this situation can persist and become even better.
I will monitor developments and will make a ticket if there are still issues that arise. Once again thank you for Hawkhost.

Thank you for the follow up guys :) -- extremely happy to hear your sites are faster now. We're going to continue working on this server and making sure things don't get worse but you shouldn't experience any further issues.

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