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Posts posted by Brian

  1. On 2/24/2019 at 8:55 AM, Wharfe said:

    Wondering if there's any real performance difference?

    This primarily depends on your sites traffic and resource requirements that you're hosting but without getting into specifics of your account the cloud servers will give you the potential for higher performance than being on cloud shared hosting. The main reason behind that is with full root access (and therefore the ability to modify the system however you choose) you can optimize the server specific to your sites / applications. That includes MySQL / webserver optimizations, installing custom software such as nginx for caching, or any other suggestions your developer/software maintainers may suggest. Cloud servers can also scale as needed so you can upgrade with the click of a button and double/triple your resources.

    On 2/24/2019 at 8:55 AM, Wharfe said:

    Would there be a noticeable performance difference between this and the cloud web hosting service?

    This all depends on the resources your sites are currently using. The cloud web hosting plans come with 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, 5Mb/s disk IO, and 7 PHP processes. If your current usage at peak times is below that then you would not see a performance difference switching platforms. If you need more resources then your site would likely slow down once you start hitting any of those limits.

    If you want I can take a look at your usage and give a more detailed answer based on your specific services. If you'd like that please submit a ticket through while referencing this thread and ask for the ticket to be added to my (Brian F.) queue. I'll login to your server and we'll see if it's possible to safely move you onto our cloud web hosting platform.

  2. Glad to hear the migration went off without any major issues! The new cloud environment you're in is a huge upgrade compared to the baremetal setup from before. As for your concerns:

    20 minutes ago, tgonhawk1 said:

    FTP commands, which previously worked, stopped working.  I now needed to specify Passive mode, which wasn't the case before.

    That one I do not have an answer for. Would you mind submitting a ticket while referencing this thread and ask for it to be escalated and assign to Brian (me)? I'll work with our  guys from there to get an answer / more details from your side.

    21 minutes ago, tgonhawk1 said:

    The change of IP address caused Putty to hiccup, saying "wrong (something or other) in cache" because that had changed.

    This is completely normal and to be expected. In fact this is a good sign! In your SSH client I assume you use either your domain name or the server name (old server) as the hostname to connect. Since both your domain and the old servers hostname are pointed to the new server IP it means you're connecting to a new machine entirely, but locally (on your computer / in your SSH client) it has the fingerprint for the old server. It prompted you when connecting because it detected this change and was warning you "Hey, someone may be trying to impersonate the server you're connecting to, are you sure this is safe?". This is known as a man-in-the-middle attack. You won't be prompted again now since you've accepted the new machines fingerprint.

    28 minutes ago, tgonhawk1 said:

    The first email said: " IP change which we will provide upon completion of the migration. "
    The second email said: "New IP Address: Refer to the 'Server Information' link inside cPanel"

    Completely fair point. Long and short of it this is due to how the migrations work, primarily because not every client in a shared server is on the same IP, so we're not able to send your shared IP in that template so we have to be generic. Not ideal, I completely get that, but it's the most efficient way to communicate with every client regardless of their individual setup (shared IP, dedicated IP, etc.).

  3. 15 minutes ago, K_Denson said:

    Is there a number I can actually call and talk to a real person?


    I'm now being asked for a credit card number.  Are they serious?

    This is part of our account verification and is likely happening because you're not authorized so our team is following proper escalation procedure when we receive requests from unauthorized contacts. If you PM me the ticket ID I'll take care of it directly.

  4. Per ticket ID PGI-840-86144 with our helpdesk this was likely due to our NYC maintenance. If you're still facing issues please follow up through our helpdesk and our team will be happy to get you sorted out. Thank you!

  5. 20 hours ago, tgonhawk1 said:

    I was wondering if it would be possible for Hawkhost to set things up so that
    visitors get something informative rather than just a "Cannot connect" or "Server not responding"
    error message which might discourage first-time visitors from trying agin later.

    Unfortunately this is not possible given the nature of this maintenance :( -- the network will be hard down so any requests to our NYC IPs won't be served. As a result the errors/messages shown when trying to reach the IPs will be out of our control (you'll get a timeout on ping, "can't reach this site" in browser, etc.). I agree it would be helpful but sadly it just isn't practical to setup in this case.

    As for notifications we will be relying on our status page at for that throughout the maintenance window.

  6. Welcome to the forums! I believe you have an existing ticket open regarding this issue and I do apologize that ticket was not updated sooner. It looks like the staff member the ticket was assigned to is actually on leave for a bit, we didn't notice the ticket was overlooked, and as a result the ticket sat without a reply. That's my mistake :(

    With that said unfortunately I don't know what's causing this particular problem with your Node.js application so I don't have an answer for you here right now. Maybe someone in the community can assist otherwise I've made sure your existing (and already escalated) ticket is re-assigned so hopefully we can debug this through there.

  7. The statistics shown in cPanel for resource usage are not real time so there will be a delay between what's shown in cPanel compared to your actual usage. The best way to see your accounts real time usage is to login via SSH and use the top command to show your running processes, CPU / RAM usage, etc. 

  8. Unfortunately I can't provide any personal insight into this as I've never run .NET Core. With that said reviewing it looks like both CentOS and Ubuntu are supported and both of those OS are available with our cloud/VPS plans. Seems the installation is relatively straight-forward and can be done via package manager so at the outset you *should* be able to run this on a VPS with us. Hopefully someone else can chime in with some more hands on experience and insight :)

  9. We do have other locations you can use if Los Angeles is not fast enough for your upload speeds. Often times users from the Asia/Pacific region host in our Hong Kong or Singapore datacenter. You can use the speedtests from our site at to see which is best for you and then our support team can move your account to a new datacenter if you wish :)

  10. The bounce messages provided show the receiving email server denying the messages as a high risk of spam, either due to characteristics of your email matching other spam they've seen or from your email being reported as spam directly. It's also possible the bounces are due to the sending IP reputation though that's not often the case.

    To properly investigate this for you please submit a ticket at and provide us with the full headers of one of the emails you've sent that has been bounced with that error. With that information we should be able to determine why exactly it's being blocked and take the necessary steps to resolve this.

  11. 7 hours ago, ePlanetDesign said:

    If I order Cloud Hosting but select the Dallas, TX server, will I be updated to cloud hosting when it does become available?

    That is the likely scenario for when we open a cloud infrastructure in an existing datacenter. With that being said right now New York City is our only active cloud hosting environment and I cannot say exactly when our other locations will be converted to a cloud infrastructure, though we are actively working on that for a few locations :)

  12. Hello! The features, resource allocations, software, and all other aspects of the plans are exactly the same. The difference between our regular shared hosting and cloud hosting is that the cloud plans are based in a fully redundant and fault-tolerant hosting environment. You're less likely to experience downtime due to server or hardware issues since we can automatically move you to a new server if the one you're on does crash. That is a feature which we can only offer in the cloud hosting plans that is not available on our regular shared plans.

    Right now our cloud hosting is only available in our New York City datacenter. We're working on expanding the services to other locations soon but for now if you sign up and want to use cloud hosting you should pick New York City on the order form :)

  13. Hello! I wasn't sure if you were referring to responsive web design or actual speed / performance so here's one for each:

    Make sure your site is mobile friendly and see a screenshot:
    Test your sites speed / response time from various locations and receive a detailed report on what to improve:

    There are definitely other tools out there for this but I'd start with those. Good luck! :)