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Posts posted by speedturtle

  1. The usage levels we're going to be setting on a per account basis right now is going to be really high. It's not going to be reflective of what a user could actually expect if everyone used the resources. It's just where we believe after that point there is going to be some serious problems. So it'll be around 1 CPU which very few people attempt to utilize right now but those few cause the majority of our problems like I said.

    That's a relief - I was concerned that the limits may be too stringent.

    3) Will the limits for each cpanel account be the same across all shared and reseller plans?

    4) How does CloudLinux inform the system administrator that an account has exceeded its limit? I'm asking this because it would be nice if we are informed as well. I mean, if CloudLinux can alert the admin then it should be able to inform the affected user, too. It would give us a chance to correct the script problem or whatever that caused the spike.

  2. IBasically for the users who abuse resources they're going to get a slow web site while the good majority of users will operate like there is nothing happening. Which is how it should be it is far more fair if the guy who loads up 100 wordpress plugins and has 25 second load times for pages they should not be slowing down your site. They should be slowing down strictly their web site. You can apply this to many other cases so attacks, looped scripts, exploited scripts etc.


    So basically it's just going to encourage people to optimize their sites or look to a VPS or dedicated where they could attempt to use up entire CPU's for extended periods of time.

    Fair enough.


    1) Are the resource limits applied for each cPanel account or for each domain/website?

    2) Will we get any info to let us know that our website has been slowed down because it exceeds the resource limits?

  3. I have an account on my reseller hosting that is reaching it's maximum bandwidth. It's my own site, but it's just a wordpress blog and has no content yet, it's not taking up much disk space. I don't know why I'm using up so much bandwidth. I checked who is visiting a blank site and I've copied below what I get. Can anyone tell me how to stop this please? I'd prefer not to use up all my bandwidth on this stuff, they're not actual visitors....

    Thanks :-)


    Latest Visitors to mywebsite.com



    Http Code: 200 Date: Aug 21 21:01:45 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 56792

    Referer: -

    Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1


    Http Code: 200 Date: Aug 21 21:01:46 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 49495

    Referer: -

    Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1


    Http Code: 200 Date: Aug 21 21:02:11 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 49706

    Referer: -

    Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1

    Host: resolves to ec2-184-73-110-198.compute-1.amazonaws.com

    You can use cPanel > Security > IP Deny Manager to block the IP from accessing your website.

  4. I have tried rvlight, rvskin and x3 and I cannot find the Dedicated IP listing. I would think it would be under the account group not server information.

    Use Ctrl-F to find 'ip address' when the cPanel home page is displayed. It's described as "Shared Ip Address" instead of "Dedicated Ip Address". Seems to be only available for the x3 theme and not the rvskin.

  5. Unlikely to see that variation of the Frog Host CPU tracking as we're looking at better technologies to control CPU. The current system just tracks it we want to be able to pro actively limit users using excessive CPU. So for example we cap all sites at 50% of a single CPU and someone spikes tries to use 100% of one. Their site would still load it would just load slightly slower as they're attempting to use much more CPU than allocated. Cloud Linux is one technology that allows use to do something like that. That example of the 50% is just that an example but it illustrates the idea. Excessive usage would slow down the person doing it rather than using an unfair amount of CPU for an extended period of time.

    I had the idea that cloud computing allows a website to use as much resources as needed and pay only for what we use. If a resource spike occurs, it'll be easy to increase its capacity.

    Does CloudLinux provide options which allow us to decide whether our websites can use resources on a restricted or unrestricted basis? Restricted to mean the website will slow down under excessive usage, which may not be acceptable for some sites. Slow websites could mean losing customers.

  6. A resource management system was implemented for Frog Host and I believe they plan to have the same feature on Hawk Host sometime in the future, hopefully not too distant. The resource usage is tracked for each cpanel account, which means it will not be possible to track for each website/domain if the cpanel account has more than one domain. You can view some examples of their CPU Usage Tracking.

    Hope we get it as I would like to see those stats as well.

  7. Just a quick little observation I noticed with my sites hosted on one of Hawk Host's Seattle servers is that all the IP location resolving services say the "location" is in the Dallas DC. This isn't a complaint or anything, just thought it was interesting to note. Anyone else find this? Have a great day everyone!

    It takes a while for the new location of the IP address to be updated in the databases. Tracert will show the actual IP location.

  8. ... very unprofessional, ... and a fraud!

    It must be extremely painful for you to look in the mirror and say those words about yourself.

    Haven't you heard:

    “Whoever is detected in a shameful fraud is ever after not believed even if they speak the truth”.

    and another one:

    “The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat oneself”.

    Be kind to yourself. Take care.

  9. It does not take much effort to have 10 domains with 25,000 inodes each.

    Under a single account that's 250,000 inodes! :(

    Maybe a reseller account will be a better option for you?

    Under a reseller account, you can create individual cpanel accounts for each of your domains. Each of these individual cpanel accounts/domains has a maximum of 250,000 inodes (i.e. what I understand from Tony's reply).

  10. Lets just say it's 250,000 then a good round number. Above that we'd question what exactly an account is being used for if it has 250,000 different files and folders.

    Is this limit per shared account or reseller account?

  11. Very strange indeed, I'm not seeing any of this behavior. By any chance did you try it in another browser to see if the issue was potentially local?

    I was using Firefox when these weird issues happened. No, I didn't try it in another browser then.

    Strangely, most of the issues seemed to be OK now...must be one of those unexplained mysteries of the world wide web.

    The only strange behavior that persists is the display of html tags (e.g. <br>) when I use the simple editor, regardless of the browser. These html tags disappear when I use the full editor.

  12. Mainly a site that's interactive which allows visitors to submit things on the site and allows them to possibly message, communicate with each other and receive emails from the main site.

    There are several ways to go about creating auction sites like eBay, or classified ads sites like craigslist:

    1) Start from scratch

    • can use PHP & MySQL together with Zend Framework

    2) Buy ready-made scripts (majority of scripts use PHP & MySQL)
    • modifications can be made if source code is provided

    • google "auction scripts"
    • google "classifieds scripts" or "classified ads scripts"

    3) WordPress with

    • classified ads plugin
    • auctions plugin

    4) Joomla with

    • classified ads extension
    • auctions extension

    Both WordPress and Joomla, including their plugins/extensions are written in PHP & MySQL.

  13. I'd be curious to see what people say. I've been using WP-Super-Cache for about a year with no problems, but I just switched to a new theme and it doesn't seem to work as well with WP-Super-Cache (a user won't always see his comment appear right away). I'm going to switch to W3 Total Cache soon, and see how that compares.

    I've heard W3 Total Cache is a good all-rounder cache plugin. Try disabling the minifying and compression options to make it go faster.