SoftLayer Power Outage [04/14/2007]

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At 11:00PM EST, SoftLayer Datacenter lost power to all racks in SR02 and 5 racks in SR01, and one rack in SR03. This was due to a power transfer from generator to utility due to inclement weather in the DFW area. During the transfer, a 2500amp breaker failed placing all power on UPS backup power. After roughly 30 minutes on battery backup, power to the specified datacenters began to go offline. Electricians are onsite replacing the 2500amp main breaker with a cold swap spare kept onsite. We expect this situation to be resolved by 1:00AM CST. The emergency reponse team is onsite to bring servers and services affected back online when power is restored.

Start time (EST): 23:00

Services Affected: Power SR02, SR03 (All Devoted Host shared, reseller servers except Apollo and dedicated customers)

Device: Main ATS Switch

Location: dal01

Duration: 3hr 25min

End Time (EST): 04/14/2007 02:25