Protecting Access?


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Is there a way that I can restrict access to my domain while I create the content? I'd rather not have anyone be able to see anything on my site before I finish everything and am ready for it to go live. Right now, if you go to my domain, you will see a list of directories. I'd like to make that "invisible" or password protected or something. In cPanel, it says that I can't password protect a directory because of some FrontPage issue. Anyone?

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You can use the password protect option in cPanel to restrict access by a user/password (which obviously you only given to people who you want to view the site).

Now as for the issue with Front Page extensions restricting the password protect option, all you need to do is disable those. Follow these steps:

1) Login to cPanel (

2) Type 'Frontpage' in the top left finder in cPanel. This will take you to the Frontpage Extensions area. In here you'll see all of your domain, your addon domains, and your subdomains

3) Click 'uninstall' for the domain(s) you wish to remove the extensions for

If that doesn't work out for you either update this thread or contact our support department :)

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