Level3 Network Maintenance [11/1/2007]

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Date: 11/1/2007

Start time (EDT): 5:00am

End time (CDT): 7:00am

Services affected: Level3 Backbone

Location: cer01.dal01

Duration: 2 hour


Level (3) Communications - Network Change Control (NCC)

Clarify Case#: 2155595

GCR #: CHG000000165672

Primary Dates: 1 Nov 2007 04:00:00 - 1 Nov 2007 06:00:00 Central

Location of Maintenance: Dallas, TX

Summary Description of Maintenance: Upgrade - Code - Router

Customer Impact: Level 3 will upgrade routers which will cause an outage to customers and peers while unit reloads.

Services Impacted: Softlayer 10G Dallas circuit


During Level3's router maintenance, network technicians will shut down BGP to avoid service interruption which will cause routing to shift to our other providers. Once they have concluded their network maintenance, Engineers will turn BGP back on the them thus restoring full connectivity.

If you have any problems after this time frame with regard to connectivity, or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance at any point, please open a support ticket.

We appreciate your patience during this work and welcome any feedback.