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I just signed up for HawkHost on Friday and am pretty happy, but I have this one annoying problem with cPanel: when I log in I tell Chrome to remember my password for it, but for some reason it never actually does. I can see the password listed when I go to manage saved just never fills it in.

Does anyone else have this problem?


I just test it out and not having the same problem as you. I'm using Chrome version 9.0.597.107 (latest version).

Do the following to see if it works.

1) Update your Chrome to the latest version

2) Clear browsing cache

3) Ensure saved password is also removed, if not, remove it.

4) Test again

Note: I am using to log into my account


Yeah, I think I can simulate your problem with the password not being supplied by Chrome. After logging out, you probably clicked on "Click here to log in again" and it shows a different login screen with the username and password blanked out. Just re-enter your username and password one more time and you shouldn't have a problem with blank username/password again.


Yeah, I think I can simulate your problem with the password not being supplied by Chrome. After logging out, you probably clicked on "Click here to log in again" and it shows a different login screen with the username and password blanked out. Just re-enter your username and password one more time and you shouldn't have a problem with blank username/password again.

Actually, I didn't use that link; I have a bookmark to [mydomain]/cpanel, which of course forwards to a HawkHost URL. Here's something interesting though-- if I reload that URL, it plugs in the password. But if I directly link to that URL instead of [mydomain]/cpanel, it still won't fill it in until I reload. Not perfect, but a quick reload is a lot easier than digging around to find my password again :)

(And of course, in the midst of all of this Chrome also updated to the NEW latest version (literally released today), 10.0.648. Yeesh!)

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