Emergency Kernel Updates [09/21/2010]

Cody R.

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We will be updating all of our servers kernels to the latest version on Tuesday September 21st to to address a recent vulnerability found in some 64bit distributions which affect us. You may recall we run ksplice on all of our servers and they did attend to this issue prior to an official release from the vendor (Red Hat) however due to the nature of the vulnerability we've decided to perform an actual kernel upgrade to ensure this won't affect us in the future.

The maintenance window is for the next 12 hours during which each machine will be updated and experience about 10 minutes of downtime.

Date: 09/21/2010

Start time (EDT): 1:00pm

End time (EDT): 1:00am

Duration: 12 hours

Estimated Down Time: 10 minutes

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Neptune update has been completed. This concludes our kernel updates for our web machines. Please keep an eye out for individual maintenance notices schedules for our VPS nodes.

The following machines were updated and would have experienced between 5-10 minutes of downtime:

    * Voodoo
    * Jupiter
    * Mustang
    * Mars
    * Mercury
    * Phantom
    * Titan
    * Tornado
    * Spitfire
    * Skyline
    * Saturn
    * Pluto
    * Mirage
    * Lightning
    * Venus
    * Neptune

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