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Posts posted by Draka

  1. 47 minutes ago, Tony said:

    All the application manager does is launch a Memcached server it does not change your PHP extensions.  So if your PHP 7.2 does not have memcached extension enabled then you need to enable it.


    The socket is going to be 0 bytes as it's not storing data on the socket but in memory.  The way you'd test if it's working is actually checking if there is data in the memcached server meaning you'd need to use PHP/Perl/Ruby/Python etc. to do that.  Also most applications if it's not working tell you or even just get really slow.


    I searched google for a test script but I didn´t quite understand it...

    Do you have a small php script I could test it with? Or maybe enter the code here and I paste it into a test.php

  2. Added this is phpp config.php


    $acm_type = 'memcached';

    define('PHPBB_ACM_MEMCACHED_HOST', 'unix:///home/username/.applicationmanager/memcached.sock');
    define('PHPBB_ACM_MEMCACHED_PORT', 0);


    But how do I know if memcached is working? The memcached.sock is zero bytes.