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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. Hey, I just noticed my site was hacked.

    here's the source code to the html file they replaced my stuff with:

    <title>Hacked by Team Animus</title> 
    <body bgcolor="black"> 
    <font color="white"><h1>Hacked by Team Animus</h1></font><br /> 
    <iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=1&amp;loop=1" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe> <br />
    <font color="white">Contra - Exclusive - FMC</font><br />
    <font color="white">From Sweden with <3</font><br />
    <!-- All files should still be untouched. The purpose of this was not to fuck anything up. -->
    <!-- We did it for the lulz. -->
    <!-- Contra @ REC or [email protected] -->

    Any idea how they got in?

  2. Thanks I will be doing that soon :D

    Also a further question: I love Hawkhost, it's by far the best host i've ever used, currently on the super shared hosting, let's say my site grows past the 240GB a month BW capacity, can a custom plan be made for my site? or is that not an option? I do not need this right now but I do expect my site to be big someday so I was just wondering. :)

  3. I currently pay $12.95 a month. is it possible to pay one lump sum for the entire year at a possible discount? Just wondering as It'd nake it easier for me to pay for an entire year in 1 sitting and not have to worry about being able to make the payments each month. If this option is not available that's fine but it was just an idea that had hit me recently. :-)

  4. It is. Thanks! I however, have an issue i ran into, it might be on your end and I was wondering if it could be fixed?

    I'm running vBulletin for my site (for now atleast) I plan on upgrading to XenForo in the future, however when i upload an avatar I get the following error and it says the upload failed:

    Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/revillut:/usr/lib/php:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php:/tmp) in [path]/includes/class_upload.php on line 275

    Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: Filename cannot be empty in [path]/includes/class_upload.php on line 281

    This is when i try to upload an avatar on my forum. The error appears in the header....Please advise. :)

  5. I just purchased the super package. How long does it usually take to have my account created? I paid the invoice and all that. :) I was coming from a nightmare host and I was told great things about HawkHost from 4 different people, plus I heard you host which is a pretty big site I frequent quite often :)

    How often does account creation usually take? :) I would like to get started on my new site! :D