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Posts posted by cmarkovich

  1. OK, so for anyone else that is trying to follow this, I just wanted to write down all of the steps that I took to get Redmine working. It may be possible to cut it down somewhat, but it works.

    One last time: thanks to everyone for the help.


    At the moment, 0.8.5 is the latest version: that is the one that I will refer to.

    The following assumes that you will be installing Redmine such that it runs from a subdomain (without a subdirectory)...

    1) Get SSH access for your account

    2) Open your cPanel interface

    3) Create a database (I named my 'redmine', which resulted in a database actually called myusername_redmine)

    4) Create a database user (I named my 'redmine', which resulted in a user actually named myusername_redmine)

    5) Give the new user full rights to the new database

    6) Create a subdomain (I used, which resulted in a directory being created at ~/public_html/code)

    7) Create a Rails application named 'redmine'

    8) Stop the newly created application (if it's running)

    9) Download the file redmine-0.8.5.tar.gz from

    10) Upload the redmine-0.8.5.tar.gz file to your home directory on the Hawkhost server

    11) Open your SSH interface

    12) Switch to the ~/etc/rails_apps/redmine directory

    13) Delete everything in the directory: rm -rf *

    14) Copy redmine-0.8.5.tar.gz from your home directory to ~/etc/rails_apps/redmine

    15) Extract the file: tar -zxvf redmine-0.8.5.tar.gz

    16) Switch into the redmine-0.8.5 directory and move everything to the parent directory: mv * ..

    17) Switch back to the parent directory and remove the now empty redmine-0.8.5 directory: rmdir redmine-0.8.5

    18) Copy the example database YML file: cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

    19) Open config/database.yml in your editor of choice

    20) Find the section that looks like:


    adapter: mysql

    database: redmine

    host: localhost

    username: redmine

    password: my_password

    and set the correct value for the 'database' line, the 'username' line and the 'password' line.

    21) Save the file and exit back to the command line.

    22) Create the database structure: rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

    23) Add the default configuration data: rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV="production"

    24) Switch to cPanel

    25) Add a rewrite for the Redmine application: on the Rails application page, click 'Create a Rewrite' for the Redmine application. On the next page, change the dropdown so that it has the correct subdomain selected. Leave the text box empty and click 'Save'.

    26) Start the Redmine application

    26) Switch to SSH

    27) Edit the .htaccess file in the directory that was originally created for your subdomain. In my case, this is the ~/public_html/code/.htaccess file.

    28) After the line:

    RewriteRule ^/?$ "{REQUEST_URI}" [P,QSA,L]

    add the line:

    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "{REQUEST_URI}" [P,QSA,L]

    29) Save the file and exit back to the command line.

    30) Send your browser to the subdomain you created and see your Redmine application running. Default username is 'admin', default password is 'admin'.

    Just noticed this - on my local server rails applications default to port 12002 NOT 12012

    So I had to modify the re-write (step 28) to this -> http://myservername:12002

    But everything else worked great as long as I used Redmine package 'redmine-0.8.5' :D

  2. Inside my application.ini file with my global settings, I provide the following lines to get my MySql database to connect:

    resources.db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL = localhost

    resources.db.params.username = [DATABASENAME]_[uSERNAME]

    resources.db.params.password = [PASSWORD]

    resources.db.params.dbname = [DATABASENAME]_[DATABASENAME]

    It's works great for me - hope that helps someone else out there!
