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Everything posted by cmarkovich

  1. Just noticed this - on my local server rails applications default to port 12002 NOT 12012 So I had to modify the re-write (step 28) to this -> http://myservername:12002 But everything else worked great as long as I used Redmine package 'redmine-0.8.5'
  2. Inside my application.ini file with my global settings, I provide the following lines to get my MySql database to connect: resources.db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL = localhost resources.db.params.username = [DATABASENAME]_[uSERNAME] resources.db.params.password = [PASSWORD] resources.db.params.dbname = [DATABASENAME]_[DATABASENAME] It's works great for me - hope that helps someone else out there! Cheers:D
  3. Configuration for MySql database connection when using the Zend framework