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Posts posted by lewislevin

  1. It's all going well. :)

    Problems are things like what directory something is in and getting URLs updated. Also, realizing HH doesn't like zip but is happy with gz.

    I have 5 blogs up (some with only skeletal content).

    Everything is working except for a cname request (ticket submitted).

    Porting from Typepad was very annoying.

    With a few minor frustrations WordPress has been amazing. When the url for the blog and the directory holding it are set, then all links for posts and comments are adjusted automatically. Alas, links embedded within posts--even links to other parts of the same blog--are not updated. How could they be?--they are just text within the body of the post. Unfortunately, that means that links to photos--even photos in the default wp upload directory--are not updated. Turns out there's a very good search/replace plug-in that did it all in one step.

    Pretty soon I can stop screwing around with setup and get on to the business of content.

    Helpful tools include winscp, notepad++ and 7-zip.

  2. Is this effectively the same as a cname for the sub-domain?

    To be specific:

    1. I create the sub-domain photos.foo.com (assuming my domain is foo.com) 2. 2. I use manage redirection to map it to www.zenfolio.com

    Will Zenfolio see this as a cname redirect? (which they route to my pages at zenfolio.com)

    So far what is happening is that I get their main page at www.zenfolio.com rather than my page.

    Is it just a matter of waiting for dns propagation or do I need you guys to create a cname record for me?

  3. Thanks for the quick reply.

    Here are the mysql params from my wp-config.php file:

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //

    /** The name of the database for WordPress */

    define('DB_NAME', 'lewislev_wordpress');

    /** MySQL database username */

    define('DB_USER', 'lewislev_lewisl');

    /** MySQL database password */

    define('DB_PASSWORD', '*******');

    /** MySQL hostname */

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

    The database certainly exists. The user exists with valid password (confirmed by wordpress diagnostic).

    I'm flummoxed.

  4. Before I map my domains to Hawkhost I am getting everything working. This means I am using the temp domain that Hawkhost provided. Once all is working, then I'll remap.

    Most has gone very well indeed.

    Latest stumble: when running install script for wp, it tells me the following:


  5. (it's in the last line of the post I linked....)

    You are right: if you move the entire d-b around you would have to shut down production (shutting down development/test/staging is no problem). Many sites would avoid this as much as possible.

    I've got a trivial amount of data and I am not making any schema changes so backup/restore will be fine.

    On a more practical note:

    Your Fantastico scripts provide wordpress 2.8.3 (if I recall correctly). I am using wordpress 2.9.1. So, I am going to copy my own instance of wordpress.

    Do you see any problems with this?

  6. I'll do what I need to do and it's not that bad.

    But, what you are saying isn't actually right. Any serious site (which mine is not, to be fair) runs development, test, staging, and production. Various tools are used to prop content and code across these environments.

    Here is a post in which the author is able to simply replace his entire d-b in either direction. When the various environments are carefully managed to be as nearly as identical as possible then this is manageable. http://blog.bigsmoke.us/2008/07/12/separate-development-environment-for-wordpress

    This is, of course, not the only way to do it. Another poster uses phymyadmin backup and restore to move between development and production. This is what I will have to do.

    Not many people in the blogging world even care about this but in real applications, it must be done. My goal was to build and test everything on my dev server and then prop it to Hawkhost when complete. That is going to be harder than I wished it was. But, I am doing it early so the backup/restore processes, which are normally very slow, won't be that bad.

    For changes in scripts, css, this is not a problem as I can ftp to file directories I have access to on Hawkhost.

    I am surprised you haven't seen this among larger, commercial sites that you host. It is pretty much standard practice. But, if you are sharing an instance of MySQL across multiple customers, which seems like a truly terrible, terrible idea by the way, then this is impossible. This approach also assumes that production can be stopped for a window of time.

    Note that it is just a one time problem to bootstrap from old Typepad blogs, which already contain content, to WordPress hosted on Hawkhost. Normally, little to no content would move back and forth between development and production.

    So, aside from the intellectual discussion there are no worries. I'm talking a whopping 4M of data. It's 81 posts, some of which are quite long and I wanted to "automate" it. Backup and restore will work.

  7. Sorry for the noob question. I can never figure out directories and settings files.

    In what directory are the mysql database files kept? I created a d-b and I can see no trace of it.

    Reason I want to know: I have already created several blogs on my LAN dev server including many posts and comments (I ported an existing TypePad blog). I do not want to create everything from scratch again. I want to FTP the entire db to the right place on Hawkhost.

    Subsequent new entries will be made directly via the wordpress tools.

    Thanks for your help,
