Amenemhat I

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Posts posted by Amenemhat I

  1. First, thanks for such a useful post. This is the best How To Install Redmine guide for cPanel/Ruby! I would like add two things to keep in mind while following this How-To that may not be clear or if your server behaves like mines :huh:

    The database once created with cPanel may not have the proper character set. It should be UTF-8!

    3) Create a database (I named my 'redmine', which resulted in a database actually called myusername_redmine)

    4) Create a database user (I named my 'redmine', which resulted in a user actually named myusername_redmine)

    5) Give the new user full rights to the new database

    - You have to make sure that the database character set is UTF-8 before importing any data. Some cPanel/MySQL services, by default, setup databases with character sets for "latin1_swedish_ci" and not "utf8_general_ci". This simple MySQL command can quickly fix that:

    ALTER DATABASE `redmine_database` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ;
    Once unpacking the tar file, check to see that the user and usergroup for the redmine files/directories are set to your proper server's user and usergroup.
    15) Extract the file: tar -zxvf redmine-0.8.5.tar.gz
    - After extraction, I noticed that the folder came with the default user:usergroup as 3000:3000. This simple SSH command line will fix that:
    chown -R my_username:my_usergroup redmine-0.9.3
    You may have to update your configuration on the .htaccess file
    27) Edit the .htaccess file in the directory that was originally created for your subdomain. In my case, this is the ~/public_html/code/.htaccess file. 28) After the line: RewriteRule ^/?$ "{REQUEST_URI}" [P,QSA,L] add the line: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "{REQUEST_URI}" [P,QSA,L] 29) Save the file and exit back to the command line.
    - Be sure that the rewrite rule points to your server correctly and that it is using the proper port. Here is how it is setup on my server:
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "{REQUEST_URI}" [P,QSA,L]

    I'm excited about using Redmine. Hope this helps. Thanks again for the post!