I/O Usage


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I have been updating my website today and I notice my I/O Usage hits 100% when I save, if I am on my website and change pages.  The CPU also hits 50%.  Do I need to worry about this?  I noticed my disk space was almost at 50%.  I found out I forgot to make my pictures smaller.  I also deleted some of my backups that were taking up space, so that is back down. 


I just wanted to make sure if I needed to worry about these other 2 things and if so what I do about them?


Thank you


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Occasional hits at 100% by your website are happenstance. Nothing to worry about at all. With the number of CPU's available on a Hawk Host server, nobody else likely saw a thing. Ignore it and move on. It's time to consider going VPS/Semi-Dedicated though if you're always at 100%. At that point likely Hawk Host staff will be letting you know.

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Occasional hits at 100% by your website are happenstance. Nothing to worry about at all. With the number of CPU's available on a Hawk Host server, nobody else likely saw a thing. Ignore it and move on. It's time to consider going VPS/Semi-Dedicated though if you're always at 100%. At that point likely Hawk Host staff will be letting you know.


Not exactly correct we use CloudLinux which as kernel level technology that makes so when you're at a 100% of a CPU you cannot go above it.  It works very similar to that of OpenVZ which are what our VPS's run on. 


You could burst to 100% all day and you could never strain the system.  The same can be said about memory usage and I/O as we won't let you go above it.  Instead all your applications could potentially get slower if there is contention for the resources.


To answer the question then the odd burst of CPU or I/O is not bad.  It's only bad when your sites are becoming slow because of it.

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